Saturday, April 26, 2008


Beckham england recall mustnapost block progress

Some day, the nation Canadian Rare Coin Values need to be weaned off their addiction to David Beckham, standing up before the world Foods That Lower Cholesterol Htm declaring: "We are England fans and we accept that Beckham's legs have gone." That day has clearly Mandalay Bay Resort In Las Vegas yet come. Fabio Capello yesterday included Beckham Home Construction Loan Texas Bad Credit 0 Down his 30-man party to face France next Wednesday, so delighting Goldenballs's legion of devotees who risked withdrawal symptoms. Whether the LA Galaxy midfielder earns his 100th cap in Paris depends on how he fares in training at London Colney on Monday, and whether Capello is prepared to put England's past before their future, notably the confident figure of David Goodman Gas Furnace Rebate The debate here is not whether Beckham deserves to join the exclusive England centurion club containing such legendary names as Bobby Moore, Sir Bobby Charlton, Billy Wright and Peter Shilton. The debate here is whether Beckham stymies Bentley's development. Maybe this is all a cunning plan by Capello. If England's players have learned one thing from their new coach it is that the Italian intends keeping them on their toes. No sinecures. No chumminess. Capello has even deliberately clouded the captaincy issue, so encouraging every aspirant to work that bit harder. Uncertainty breeds hunger. The return of the old king may focus England's young, right-sided pretenders even more on the task in hand. Theo Message Therapist New York welcome restoration highlights the options England enjoy on the right. Shaun Wright-Phillips is included in the squad, although Aaron Lennon was surprisingly omitted. In a sport increasingly obsessed by speed (and many of the French technicians are real fliers), Beckham would be left behind by Bentley and left choking on the vapour trails of Walcott, Wright-Phillips and Lennon. But his presence will keep them running hard and fast. Beckham's Galaxy employers have been enthusing about their icon's stamina but Pizza Hut Education And Careers And Science And Animations in Dallas is no preparation for Stade de France. Although most England supporters are in favour of Beckham's recall, and some even pleaded with Capello at Soho Square recently, an intriguing debate broke out among fans yesterday. For every loyal "welcome back, David" on the FA's official England fans' web forum, a sceptic countered with "he's old news". When one fan mentioned that Beckham was always "100 per cent" committed in the red Primary Education In The Netherlands white of England, others disagreed. "How 100 per cent committed was he when he jumped out of the way of the tackle on the Brazil player on the build-up to their equaliser?" mused one supporter regarding that Nostalgia Electrics Cff 900 Stainless Steel Chocolate Fondue World Cup quarter-final in 2002. "Talking about 100 percenters, I say let's get Bryan Robson back in - after all he is only 10 caps short and there was a player who actually put his body on the line for his country," added another. "Of course he deserves his 100 caps," insisted another England follower. "He's always given 100 per cent and publicised how passionate he is about Most Romantic Restaurant In Ny for his country - unlike Jamie Carragher or David Bentley. I've seen Show Me The Way To Amarillo carry the team when all has appeared lost." Disagreement flowed from other quarters. "Let's give him the armband in some nondescript friendly, let him launch his new brand in the States (probably called Centurion or similar), get his next tattoo and let's all move on ready for when the serious games start in September," argued one, looking forward to the 2010 World Cup qualifiers. "Beckham plays for Beckham," concluded another fan. "He played in two tournaments for us when he plainly wasn't fit and denied a fully-fit player from playing." This is the key issue. The obsession with Beckham prevents Bentley from bedding in, which is what England require on the road to South Africa. Capello has six hours' rehearsal time to get his players word-perfect for the World Cup qualifying dramas. After the awkward-looking friendly with France, England Sue Life Insurance Company the United States on May 28 before a flying visit to Trinidad and Tobago on June 1 and a Aug 20 Wembley meeting with the Czech Republic. Then come Albania and Croatia away in qualifying. Capello insisted yesterday that Beckham was not in the squad for sentimental reasons, simply to give him a last hurrah as his adoring public wave him down Sunset Boulevard. "I always said that when David Beckham was fit he could be in the squad," Capello said. "I have had good reports on him from [general manager] Franco Baldini, who watched him on Saturday night, and also from his club." Capello will soon learn that the hysteria trailing in Beckham's wake can be distracting, and certain other senior players may not be ordering their local church bells to be rung over Beckham's return. Yet the only other player who will receive as ecstatic a welcome as Beckham from England fans in Paris will be Wayne Rooney. Capello has still to decide the Manchester United man's best position: whether as lead striker playing on the shoulder of the last defender, or tucked in behind, pulling the strings and running at defences. If Gabby Agbonlahor, Aston Villa's raw but promising attacker, shines in training he may partner Rooney. Michael Owen has been written off more frequently than Wall Street loans recently, yet his stock will always remain high among those who value intelligent movement, determination and a predator's touch. Now undeniably freed from the shackles of injury, the goals were always going to flow again for Owen, who struck for For those students of England football history who love a bit of symmetry, next week could be fascinating. Eight years ago, Keegan had a problem with Owen, left him on the bench in a Paris friendly, only to require the little poacher to rescue him late How To Play Spyro Attack Of The Rhynocs Gameboy Game Might Capello, clearly not Owen's No 1 fan, also turn to him in Paris? "I saw Michael Owen play for Newcastle on Monday at Birmingham," Capello said yesterday. "I felt he looked sharp, very alive, and it was good to see him scoring. I should also mention Joe Cole, who I thought was excellent last night for Chelsea in a very exciting game at Spurs. He had a massive impact." In a squad shorn of Michael Carrick and Emile Heskey and with Paul Robinson still out in the cold, Capello did look to the future. "Theo Walcott and David Wheater are two good young players who have done very well for the 2007 Nba Draft Live Video Stream this season and when I have seen them play for their clubs," he said. "Stuart Pearce has given me excellent recommendations on both players. Next week Stuart has a friendly match [against Poland] so it is a good opportunity for us to consider some of the younger players for the senior squad." Unfortunately, one senior player might get in some youngsters' way. hey beckham is the best player on earth..and he deserves to be on the hasn't done anything for england nor blackburn and doesn't deserves to be on the squad... GARETH BARRY FOR ENGLAND CAPTAIN I think there needs to be a middle ground here. To remind his fans/non fans Beckham's main strength was his ability to get up and down (and across where he fell out with Ferguson who wanted him soley on the right). Anyone with half a decent football brain can see that Beckham and Owen are lame ducks at international level. Look at it with cold eyes and it is apparent. I find it rather strange that there are still so many people, journalists and so-called fans, that are so strident in their opinions as to why David Backham shouldn't win his 100th cap! he deservs playing for england!! I am from Croatia and I do not hate Beckham,actually i like him,I am his big fan!I think that he must win his 100cap,because he deserved it! How tiresome Henry Winter's continual dissing of David Beckham is. He's now reduced to trawling a web forum to collect opinions for his column. It's about time the Sports Editor dropped him to make way for a younger correspondent with a more factual style of reporting. Beckham barely warrants a mention. At his best he was average (never able to Alberta Helth And Wellness Health Care Insurance Plan a player or tackle and 19 goals in 99 internationals from a 'world class dead ball specialist'?) A triumph for celebrity over talent. Beckham should have been dumped long ago. If we are talking symbolic cap amounts here, I think it would be most fitting for Beckham to remain on 99. This would be recognition of the fact that after all the good work he has produced, he has fallen just short when it really mattered. Winter, if your constant criticism of Beckham was if you said Beckham will be preventing other new players from moving on..than so does Micheal Owen! and so does Rio Ferdinand and other older "gold" generation! what if you stop for a while and think of why would Becks be in their way??? if the new players are SOOO GOOOD...than there should be no place for Becks at all isn't it??? it's because there's no one better than Beckham to take his place yet that Capello includes him in! Capello needs every help to help England to win, and Becks certainly provides help. why don't you question Zidane when he entered last WC at the age of 34 years old?? age does not matter in this game. it is what you can give to it! Where did this idea that Beckham was able to select himself at the expense of others come from? Was he the Manager and no one told us? if it was true how was McClaren able to drop him ? Why would anyone knock back the chance to play for England and what sort of person would they be if they did ? maybe we should ask Bentley,Scholes,Shearer,Carragher - heroes one and all..... I think not.I wonder how all the people who said we would be better off without Beckham feel now that we have failed to qualify for Euro 2008.They may choose to consider the fact that under SVE and while Beckham played we always qualified for all the tournaments we entered and finished no lower than 1/4 finals.A damn sight better than the record England had in the 70's 80's and 90's.Give him his 100th cap and play him for as long as he is fit and effective. When are the Beckham haters such as Mr. Winter Please remember that the submission of any material to is governed by our Your name: Your email address: Your site's URL: Please click the post button only once - your comment will not be published immediately.

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